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Photobucket Ain.Kim
Lady Wind Dancer
Gusti Putri Ainun Adipati

Temasek Business School
Diploma In Accounting and Finance

Oneida Venture

Thinks she is Rani Mukherjee's TWIN SISTER.



..:Personal Favourites:..

Dance Dance Till I Drop.
Flowers: Roses & Sunflowers.
Awakk :))
Passion Red Tea / Green Apple Milk Tea.

Its Rocking - Alisha Chinoy

Emotional Blackmails.Uurgh.

Hello hello.

Ok back by popular demand.

Hahahakz. Yelah2..i noe u ppl are dying to noe wads happening in y lyf ryt now..

" Ahh kwn2 nk dgr crite tk? Ah duduk duduk...DUDUK."

Mula mula nye mcm gini.... CHEYYY mau ikut upin ipin npk...
Eh suker ah....tk salah pe.. :D

Ok citer der mcm ginie...

Me myself and i was walking alone going back home from sch..so i jz randomly looked around and i saw this man korek hidung.
BIGG EWWWW. Mcm nk pegi pat dpn muker der lepas tu tumbul kasi mati jer sey.

So anyways, i continued walking....with my mp3 on of course.. Klau tk, da btl2 aku tumbuk muker si korek hidong tu.
Hmm so i walked and walked and bought my pearl milk tea. DUH.

Den i take the mrt...afta go hm put bag lah.. Took the mrt and went to Novena..
Over to Police HQ. Woohoo! *eyebrow up n down*
Lyk jakun sia...walk again. Mcm nk merangkak pn ada. Pnat kan cipek. "-.-
K den i went in to the Home Team Career Centre. Ni nak go medical chck up...
Oh sblm tu, duduk pat tepi jalanan mkn polar puff. Lpr kn cipek...tknk nant amek weight berat jd mkn ringan2.

So den i went in..and den i sat down. Tahu lah tk interesting...tetapi lps tu i met a girl who cn speak to me & not step garang sit dere lyk e oders.
So we chatted and chatted for 1 hr and e female officer maseh blm turun. So we waited and talk.
It was okay until she say there was going to be a STRIP SEARCH.

In my mind , i was like " r u fucking serious cz if happens to be that she raped me, im going to charge her with molest under the penal code......!!" Hahahaha.

BUTTTTTTTT...DEN she say only for guys.
Mcm nk amek bag hentam muker der pn ader sey. "-.-

Hahahaha. Lps tu gi jmper Kak MIra...:p Der nk carik skirt ngn baju...den we sat down n i bought bubble tea. Oh NO. e bubble tea was dari Novena. I actl wanted to buy bubble tea n burger so cn eat in e bus..but i end up buying the burger meal. Heh. So i had 2 drinks.

Ok back to kak mira..den jmper nenek n kak mira's mader..
Den we go buy her shirt DEN e mom give to me the plastic bag.
" Nah ni utk ain. Happy bdae"
Den kak mira sae " Aku pn ada share ngn mak aku jd tk yah kasi present lgk k. Aku tumpang skali lah.."

Thanks Kakk MIra. HAHAHAHAH.

Ok den went hm n slp.

Eh tak la..blaja.
Boyfir is working so a gd nite msg wud b enuf.

Ok. Tataaa~

Instant Love.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do. :))
Ok tataaa~

Hello everyone...!

Ya..i noe shida... Got rainforest bernama Amazon da menginap pat blog aku nie kn...

Okay..i've chged my blogskin....!...again. Ya i noe. It sucked.

Alrytey ppl... Ryt now, life is just getting healed by all the fignts the vulgarities the Great Depression.. (..with Boyfie AS WELL AS MONEY.)
I broke lyk hell cn.......WALAO.

Worst still, i get news tt i will hv no balance pay frm my internship..RIDICULOUS.
Eat up my money only tis damn co.
Im sooooooooooooo gonna cmplain ok.

Not being materialistic but hey, its my sweat and health at stake u noe... :(

Anyways, i've always hated peeple who doesnt know how to mind their own bisnes...BUT nw, life is soo much better...
With no1 pushing you around and e grp of frens tt i hv, IT'S PERFECT. And also BOYFIE. :))))

Yaa..been fighting with boy for lyk months already..just recently we got things straight. ALHAMDULILLAH. Save me frm a lot of vulgarities. Teehee.
Whatttt...a fight is a fight wad.

Better get going.

Munchies Signing Off.. Muah.

soooooriieee everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I noe i noe...my blog have cobwebs now.

Jungle pn da grow kn....tahu laa..

Alaaah..i've beeenn SUPER BUSY.. Attchmt maa..@ Maybank bebs...

Wad a gd tym to be working in the bank ryt...??? i noe..

Well, im going nuts tho.but i dn really care.. i wanna chenge my blogskin oso no time...

Life hah.... Humans are never satisfied with wad they have..never man...
Wen ur in school, u wanna work.. Wen ur working, u wanna go school...

Hahahkz..for me, i still prefer school tho..haahahahhaha :D Hey, not wrong ryt.. Been long since i last seen my frens...miss dem tho... Esp. Farah n Su... :))))) Hehehheh.

Btw, i took MC!!!!! Sursprise tk surprise tk??? Diam ah.

Sakit sey....heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. *eyebrow up n down*

Ok...nk go dance pract. Tatatititutu.~

Love Munchies.

For you, girl.

Hey dere. Apologies for e late post again. Hehe. I noe i noe but no harm alwaes apologising fer late posts rytt....? :))

Todae's post mite be a little nasty to ppl but i cnt help it k.. So, sorry.

And again sm ppl jz cnt c me going on wit lyfe lyk a normal person with sm peace and grace in life after a whole lot of ups n downs... I dn reaaly care wad u wanna think of me ah but pls lah... DN B SORE LOSER will u...?
Dah tk dpt apa yg der nak lps tu nk salah kn org plak.. Get a life lah... Do u really seriously think he will accept your longing n love fer him by attacking me with all those werds u tag on my board..? Seriously..think about it.

Obviously i had no initial motive of getting him to hate malay girls jz fer e sake of hating them because i didnt reciprocate his love.. Obviously i did not know tt u r malay until u told me so.. Obviously u r sm1 really close to him..im sure he knows hu u r but OBVIOUSLY he wouldn't think that u r capable of doing smthg like this... Dn u think ur deceiving him by doing all this..?

If u really really care n love him FOR WHO HE IS, then with all e pleasure in the world, WIN HIM OVER. I hv no objections to that.. Instead i wud b happy to hear tt..sincerely.. Cz i noe hw it feels like to have cinta yg tak terbalas..

Even after wad happened, I still think u r a girl of good intentions n u're doing all this to get me off him because ur jealous..I respect tt n I totally undastd..
But now tt im off, y r u still after my life..?
Y r u still tagging on my board..?
Y r u blaming me fer smtg tt is not within my locus of control..?
Im reaching out to u, S.A. ..
Help me out here. I am really confused.
What is it that makes u so against me? Is it for e fact that i was contacting him or is tis all juz for fun...?
Would u like it if sm1 else were to do this to u?

I am in no easier position than u r.. If i cud help u, i wud. But by doing all this, ur neither helping me nor urself. Please. I hv nothing against u. In fact, i dn even noe hu u r n suddenly i get all this insults n curse frm u..

Girl, im nt doing all tis fer e sake of satisfaction and shooting u bck.. But i wanna noe wad is it tt u really want n y reach out to me wen u already noe him so well n u cn jz win him over in a matter of tym..?

Please. Tell me smtg. Speak. Spit it out, or watever. But jz pls tell me y.

Kasih bukan sekadar cinta.
Pengorbanan cinta yang agung ku pertaruhkan..

Meaningful isn't it? I know.. Hahakz. Well, i've been dwelling with these 2 phrases for long now and i realised how deep the meaning was..
I guess smtyms people mistook lust for love and it's a sad thing coz there's a BROAD THICK line differentiating the 2.. Maybe a bit of refelection of e WANTS & NEEDS wud help aloooooottt.

Loving sm1 for their looks won't last too.. I think u guys are well off beyond the maturity level to know that and i dn hav to CONSTANTLY remind it.. But sm ppl jz don't get it... They say people are like that lah like this lah.. But heyy..~~~ Look upon e mirror n u'll c e exact replica of wad they jz said.

I dunno how smtyms ppl STILL have the cheek to call me and ask me how i am wen jz the night b4, tt person has just bitched about me with a friend. Wowooow, what courage u have hah.... Wad makes the person think tt i wont find out abt the things dey sae..? Tralalaalaa.. Pls lah...go n reflect wad has really happened first b4 u even sae dose kind of things abt me... Get stories from both side of the party & from dere, sae wad u want.. If nt, den wudnt it now be a biased judgement against one persn..?
Dunia2.. HAI.

Hmm..btw, yest was exactly 1 yr me n Iman noe each oder... Heeeeeee. Lamer kn lamer kn...??
:))))))) Heee. BEST TAU...full moon lgk on anniversary kter... :))))))))) Kn mcm romantic laa gtuu... Dis 1 yr has been a lot for him to handle n i reallly dun want history to repeat itself again.
Dn worry k Iman.. U hv my words dis tym n i'll live by my words.
Oh have i told u that Iman is in e GOH squad for NDP dis yr????!! Best giler kn..... Walao. I want to go c him march but noooooo...he sae go watch at e tv..LIVE smmore. Hmph. Kuagsam btl. Tsk.

Well, i guess life is much more refreshing and peaceful wen ppl dn interfere in ur life & no1 pesters u to make a decision. :) Ok laah.. Gtg. Getting late. Nk go train fer NAPFA. Hee. K bubbye!

17th June 08

Happy 1 yr anniversary baby. :)))

Hey everyone...
Been long since i last updated...i noeee.... Well, im updating here now....okay..? Hee.
Nw a bit easier lah cos i got internet access at hme..BUT cnt use tt often cos my uncle wants to use it. WTH.

Okay so..wad do i update u guys abt...hmmmmm..okay2 lets go 1 by 1..

Life's cool...ok tts REAALLY general but yaa.... I mean it feels great when ppl r FINALLY minding their own business... Well, im really glad u noe..at least i noe dey're cool with me..
Oh i forgt...of course dey're cool... Dey're satisfied with wad has happened already wadd...
Oh wad cn i sae.. Everythg is fair in love n war...

Hmm i dunno whether to trust any1's werd anymore or nt wen dey sae dey will b me close fren or me best fren no matter wad happens...even if we're not meant to be..
Oh cmon...u can't be serious cn u?
I mean any human being residing on this earth wud sae tt.. BUT the qn is how many of them actually meant wad dey said...?
Bleh kire pkai jari lah sey..

I don't wanna hear 1 day ppl cm up to me or i hear rumours abt me FORGETTING ppl once i got my ways... Cos i wont n will nt...
It's usually e oder wae round f.y.i. :)

Im nt saying all this to get back on ppl bcz a bad history has happened btw us.. This is wad i feel.. Accept it whether u like it or nt cos im no longer hiding anything frm any1..

To be honest, Im becoming more direct nw wit things tt i like or dn like.. Becming honest and true to urself is MUCH better n things will be olve in a more appropriate manner... I learnt my lesson already...No point in trying to lie to urself cos ur nt gonna solve anything... Tts wad i feel..

Ok.. A rather ELONGATED post i c.. K lah.. gtg. Tataa~